Nadia Galvani

Social Worker, Family Therapist and Trainer

Mark Huhnen

Social Worker, Family Therapist and Trainer

Sharon Queen

Social worker, Family Therapist and Trainer

John Woolner

Social Worker, Family Therapist and Trainer

Linton Harper

Social Worker and Practice Educator

Kate Hopkins

Social Worker and Systemic Practitioner


Bosanquet, L. (2015) Can You be ‘Systemic’ in a Social Work Crisis? Context AFT.  Issue 137.

Summer, J. (2014) The Application of Family Therapy Principles in a Professional and Family Network Meeting. Context AFT: Issue 131

Summer, J. (2015) Live Supervision and The ‘Team Without The Screen’: A Home Based Approach To Training Social Workers in Systemic Practice. Context AFTIssue 139

Smart, O. & Huhnen, M. (2018). Interviews with puppets. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice. [online]

Huhnen, M. (2019)  Co-authoring better futures for children and families – Anticipation Dialogue in children’s social care networks. Journal of Family Therapy, 41(3): 407-420.

Karamatsouki, M., Huhnen, M., Salter, L. K. & Helps, S (2019) Reflections on “Qualitative Research as Activism”: 3rd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 2, (1) 111–118.

The Bodies Collective (2020). Bodyography as activism in qualitative inquiry: The Bodies Collective at ECQI19. International Review of Qualitative Research.

Huhnen, M. (2021) In relationship with a virus: An argument for “new” materialist thinking to be introduced into systemic thinking and an argument for why it has always already been there. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 3(2), 68–80.

Podcast with Nadia Galvani:

Fostering blogs written by Jamie Mccreghan